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Section: New Results

Loss-tolerant parity measurement for distant quantum bits

Participants: Mazyar Mirrahimi, Alain Sarlette

We propose a scheme to measure the parity of two distant qubits, while ensuring that losses on the quantum channel between them does not destroy coherences within the parity subspaces. This last property is a new and essential feature towards using repeated parity measurements in realistic physical conditions. It is achieved thanks to the use of cat states for the probe field that interacts with the two remote qubits. We show how this allows to stabilize highly entangled states between distant qubits, with the current state-of-the-art circuit QED capabilities. Highly entangled states are envisioned as a fundamental building block of the so-called modular quantum computing architecture, so their stabilization, i.e rapid availability, can be viewed as a major step towards enabling such technology.

This result has been submitted as a journal paper [23].